Yhteistyöpentue/Co-operation litter
Herdolf With Hoppingham "Asmo"
Asmon kuvagalleria/Photo gallery of Asmo |
27.10.2006 syntyi sininen poika. Virallinen nimi Herdolf With Hoppingham ja kutsumanimi Asmo. |
Emä/Dam |
Isä/Sire |
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Om. Päivi Toikander | Multi Ch Multi Winner WYSIWYG Luke Skywalker v Longo "Hermann" Om/Ow: Mrs Vuokko Tienhaara |
Lonkat/hips: A/B (excellent/good)
Kyynärät/elbows: 0/0 (excellent) Sertiä vaille valio.
Lonkat/Hips: A/A (excellent)
Kyynärät/elbows 0/0 (excellent) Silmät/eyes: OK Sydän/heart: OK Turkki/Coat: OK DNA-yksilötunnistettu/DNA identified Ikä/Age: 6,5 vuotta/6,5 years Suomen voitokkain sininen 2001 - 2002 - 2003 - 2004 - 2005, tämä vuosi vielä meneillään, mutta on Kultadoggilistalla jälleen parhaimpana sinisenä. Vuonna 2000 vuoden sininen pentu. The Top Winning Blue Dane in Finland in 2001 - 2002 - 2003 - 2004 - 2005, this year ongoing but holding the best blue place as we speak. In 2000 he was the best blue puppy. Luonne: Täyden kympin poika. Ystävällinen, karismaattinen ja lempeä. Temperament: Perfect. Friendly, charismatic and gentle. Jälkeläisnäyttö: Useita valiojälkeläisiä ja lapsenlapsistakin muutama valioitumassa kovaa vauhtia. Eniten näyttelyissä käynyt lapsenlapsi Carmen (Herdolf Padme Naberrie) oli (epävirallisesti mitattuna) vuoden sininen pentu, kilpaili jo TOP-20:ssä, sai Juniorivoittaja 2005 ja Voittaja 2005 -tittelit ja on kerännyt jo 25 sertiä ennen kuin on ollut mahdollisuus valioitumiseeen. Proven sire: Several Champion offspring and many grand-puppies are close to their championships. Carmen (Herdolf Padme Naberrie) has been in shows very actively and (unofficially) was year's best blue puppy, got an invitation to TOP-20, gained both Junior Winner 2005 and Winner 2005 titles and has now already 25 CACs before she has had chance to gain her championship due to her age (champion age is at the earliest 2 years). |
Sukutaulu/Pedigree | |||||||||||||||
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Kiitos Päivi Toikanderille Speedyn jalostuslainasta ja Anitta Kilpeläiselle (Kennel Hoppingham's) yhteistyöstä tämän pentueen kanssa. Thank you Päivi Toikander for offering Speedy for breeding and Anitta Kilpeläinen (Kennel Hoppingham's) for all the help with this particular litter. Speedy has been imported to Finland from Australia by person X. However, Päivi Toikander paid for Speedy, got Speedy's registration papers and got her right from the airport to live with her family full time as it was agreed already when importing was in process. Päivi took care of Speedy full time and paid for showings and health tests. Later, person X claimed, that Speedy had been stolen from her and took the matter to police. An official investigation was performed and it was stated by the court that stealing accusations were false and Päivi Toikander has always been the solo owner of Speedy. Päivi herself is not interested in breeding and she wanted me to breed Speedy to a male of my choice. Later, due to personal matters Päivi had to give Speedy up and she gave it for free to person X. |
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